Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Three King´s Day

The 6th January is one of the biggest days in the Spanish calendar; almost as big as Christmas and just as much fun. El dia de Los Reyes Magos (or Three Kings Day as we call it) begins the night before on the 5th January when the three kings and their procession take to the streets throwing sweets to all the excited children that are waiting patiently for them to arrive. Tonight children write notes to the kings asking for a gift (or maybe several gifts like my children!) and leave the notes their shoes by the front door before they go to bed. If they have been good the kings bring gifts but if not they leave carbon which look like lumps of coal but in reality are a sugary edible version. Traditional goodies such as Roscon which is similar to a huge donut covered with glacier cherries and sugar along with cups of rich hot chocolate are left out for the kings and their hungry camels to enjoy. In the morning when the kids wake up it´s like Christmas all over again. What a great way to begin the New Year!

(Photo sources: El Blog Infantil,,,,,


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Gorgeous Event Decoration: Three King´s Day

Three King´s Day

The 6th January is one of the biggest days in the Spanish calendar; almost as big as Christmas and just as much fun. El dia de Los Reyes Magos (or Three Kings Day as we call it) begins the night before on the 5th January when the three kings and their procession take to the streets throwing sweets to all the excited children that are waiting patiently for them to arrive. Tonight children write notes to the kings asking for a gift (or maybe several gifts like my children!) and leave the notes their shoes by the front door before they go to bed. If they have been good the kings bring gifts but if not they leave carbon which look like lumps of coal but in reality are a sugary edible version. Traditional goodies such as Roscon which is similar to a huge donut covered with glacier cherries and sugar along with cups of rich hot chocolate are left out for the kings and their hungry camels to enjoy. In the morning when the kids wake up it´s like Christmas all over again. What a great way to begin the New Year!

(Photo sources: El Blog Infantil,,,,,